An Introduction to SEO Basics
Search Engine Optimization, popularly known as SEO, is one of the most prominent, effective, and efficient ways to carve out a unique identity on search engines. SEO is a constantly evolving tool that nearly 80% of users on the web focus on while ignoring paid listings. Paid listings are the ads that pop up whenever one searches on a search engine for something. SEO results are otherwise built on the organic development of traffic analysis, social shares, and backlinks.
Search Engine Optimization, SEO, depends on several factors, such as artificial intelligence, long-form content, Google EAT principle, and mobile-friendly viewing. These are some of the many factors that influence SEO results and the impact that they can have on your listing.
AI and its impact on SEO – AI and its interaction with the online content is remarkable, to say the least. RankBrain, which is Google’s AI algorithm, is one of the most important factors that affects the search engine result pages (SERP) results. Moreover, AI grows and learns over time,
which makes it one of the most important SEO trends throughout.
Voice Search – Another important factor is voice search. Households are becoming more and more equipped with smart speakers. Google assistants are present on every phone. Therefore, keywords and their presence in voice searches are essential factors to be considered.
Abbreviations and how people communicate over text and voice are two VERY important things to be kept in mind.
Mobile-friendliness – Have you ever used a website that didn’t feel as good on a phone as it did on a laptop? Well, not so surprisingly, this also impacts the SEO rating. A mobile-friendly website has more chances to show up on a Google search as compared to a website that will only be functional on a pc. Meta-robot tags, mobile usability, mobile-first indexing, and so many other
things are required to work on this.