Our upcoming LIVE WEBINAR with SEO Consultant Michael Cottam will highlight the latest AI Technologies, plus updates on Google’s current SEO practices. The presentation takes place on March 17th at 3PM Eastern, and is free to Our-Hometown customers and members of our partnered Press Associations!
Registration link: https://our-hometown.com/ai-technologies-and-search-engine-optimization/?mtm_campaign=SEO-2023&mtm_kwd=Youtube
Let us know your thoughts about this episode by reaching out on Social Media!
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LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/our-hometown-com/
Our Hometown Web Publishing is The Last Newspaper CMS & Website You’ll Ever Need. We help you generate revenue, engage with readers, and increase efficiency with Our Hometown’s Digital & PrePress CMS features to fit your needs & budget.
OHT’s Web Publishing Platform is:
-Powered with WordPress
-Hosted on Amazon Web Services
-Integrated with Adobe InDesign & Google Drive
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