Are you ready for the big Google Webmaster report – well, here is the February 2024 edition. This month, Google confirmed an issue with teetering in and out results over the weekend and with that fix, we saw the weekend Google ranking updates calm and slow. We did have a couple of unconfirmed Google ranking updates during the work week, which was different. Google also seemed to push a local ranking update this past month.
Google had indexing bugs, Google is still working on fixing site name issues, Google dropped the cache link from the search results, FAQs and How-to rich results dropped out again and recipe sites are having issues. But Google promises that big changes, for the better, are coming to search.
Google’s INP core web vital metric will replace FID on March 12, 2024. We had some unusual issues with Google Search Console, some not bugs with Search Console specifically. Google offered a number of SEO specific advice, which I listed below. Google continues to do their user interface tests both in search and local.
Google released their earnings reports, cut thousands of search quality raters, and may replace Assistant with Bard – while reports come out that Google Search quality is getting worse.
If you missed last month’s recap, read it here.
Here are the main stories to catch up on over the past month:
Google Search Ranking Updates:
Google Search Changes:
Google SEO:
Google Search Console:
Google User Interface:
Google Local:
Google Business:
Forum discussion at WebmasterWorld.