Over the past month or so, we’ve been seeing a huge drop in the number of FAQ rich results Google has been displaying both on mobile search and now desktop. Google has not commented or said anything on the topic, that is until now.
John Mueller of Google posted an unofficial statement on Mastodon saying “sites love adding FAQ markup, it gives them more room in search.”At some point, it makes the results less useful,” he added. So Google needs to find “the right balance makes sense to re-evaluate from time to time, like with any other search element,” he added.
John added, “disclaimer: this is not an official statement, just my opinion.”
But what John is not officially saying is that maybe Google Search readjusted and is now showing fewer FAQ rich results in Google Search.
FYI, here is the latest drop that most are seeing:
Heads-up, Google removed many FAQ snippets on 4/5 from the mobile SERPs, but many remained on dtop. With the latest unconfirmed update, those dtop FAQ snippets are now gone. That makes sense & almost seemed like an oversight… I’m seeing this across many sites. It’s widespread: pic.twitter.com/U5WYELxzbt
— Glenn Gabe (@glenngabe) May 8, 2023
I mean, that is clearly what we are seeing.
Forum discussion at Mastodon.